The Easy Move Way

Secure your move with property valuation services

Do you want to move out or benefit from one of the other services we offer? Well then allow us to
introduce a routinized principle we have within the Easy Move before the moving days. You already
know how much we enjoy interacting with our customers if you have been following our blogs
regularly. Let us take you to the future!

Meeting Philipp Max

It all begins with a scenario like this: You have decided that you want to move out of your current place as you need a change. A new addition to your family made you realize that you do not fit in the house anymore. The issue here is whom you are going to contact to have an idea about the minimum costs of such a drastic change.

Naturally, you start browsing through the trustable moving services within the Netherlands and quickly come across the black/orange website of The Easy Move. Intrigued by the information within the blogs, you give us a call to ask for standard pricing. However, you also find out that a free property valuation service is offered by us!

So, what does that mean?

The scenario continues like this: Before confusing you any further, we arrange to send out a team of professionals over to your current place. In this manner, we get to meet you and other customers

personally to form a real connection and understand your needs closely. During our visit, we like to crack a few jokes, ask questions and try to get to know you better.

We of course reciprocate this by sharing our favorite stories and talking about ourselves. The main aim behind all this is to create a comfortable environment where we see our customers like family at the first sight. Consider it like a first date, and the first impression is crucial for us!

This also allows us to observe your place, discuss the relocation, inform you about the necessities and compromise on the price depending on your financial situation for the services. Some of the benefits that arise after such an interaction are mutual trust, better communication, and relaxed customers.

On top of all this, it is always a pleasure to learn more about the different cultures we come across. At this moment, we have stopped counting how many teas we have had from various countries!

Evaluating with our customers

Advantages of Free Property Valuation

The normal procedure of property valuations is done via the phone/online in most of the moving companies as there might be a fixed pricing for a certain type of move. Although this is a fast way of working and gaining information, it is not the most flexible and earnest way of coming to a final pricing decision. In the end, there are two parties involved in this decision to be considered.

We want to give a mini disclaimer! This does not mean that it is a must for us to visit your place, however, it is simply an extra service offered for free so that the customers feel more at ease. At the

end of the day, our customer decides to only hear about the estimated pricing or have us over. Enough with the disclaimer, here are some other advantages we have picked out for free property valuations!


We have gathered relevant experience in communicating and coming to an agreement as we have been carrying out this way of working since the start of Easy Move. This also means that we have encountered enough customers in the field to call ourselves connoisseurs of human nature.


What we have observed from this way of working is that the customers rely more on us as we provide reassurance by creating a family atmosphere beforehand. We also make sure that we take the role of a third party while discussing the logistics of the move. The reason for this is to stay neutral for a professional attitude and avoid bias.


We have enough background knowledge as our job involves a constant cycle of meeting new customers and visiting different neighborhoods all around the country.

Factors that play a role in valuation

You might be curious what are some of the considerations made while offering free evaluation services. We have picked the most important factors that allow us to compromise on a price after the house visit. This decision is certainly made after discussions with the customer.


Location is one of the most important factors to be considered during these discussions. All the necessary information such as where to move (point A to point B), how much of a load there is, and the type of move/services have an impact on the pricing decisions.

Extra Services

It is also important to consider any extra service the customer demands from us. These could be handyman services, storage services, or clean-out services which are offered prior/after the moving day.

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