Renew your home with professional cleaning

Feel fresh again with our cleanout services!

Everyone loves a fresh beginning, entering their living room with full confidence that every detail and corner is taken care of after a cleanout. Let us quickly bring you to a current scenario you are in, potentially. You are in your favorite store, and you just came across items from the new season that was released a couple of days ago. These items could be the spring selection of clothing or the retro line of pieces of furniture, you name it!

There is an insatiable want of heading to the checkout after grabbing one of these items. However, you turn to your partner and remember that you have no space left in your home after you see the look on their faces. What a bummer! If you are one of those people, or simply someone who wants simplicity in their life by decluttering, then you are in the right place.  

The Easy Move cleanout services are the right fit for people who need to discard cumbersome furniture or excessive items within a short period. The customer base also includes commercial users, businesses, rental property owners, or real estate agencies.

Cleanout services

Variation of Services

One of the qualities of the Easy Move services includes practicality. We demonstrate this quality throughout different variants of the same services we offer. These variations allow for different segments of our customers to have a fresh start after the cleanout. You can find different types of services below and the main differences explained between them. Remember: you can also rent a storage unit temporarily if you don’t want to get rid of your items for good!

Within the services offered, we also take the responsibility of removing the lights, repairing damaged holes or floors, or removing the curtains if you are moving out. Our employees are trained in how to handle bulky items using our junk removal trucks. This gives the guarantee that the move is completed safely, and fragile pieces are kept intact.

House Cleanout

Let us take care of the junk items whether you want to re-design your house, get rid of unnecessary items, or stage your house for a sale. You should also keep in mind that when you are moving in or out of your place, it should be completely emptied, and waste removal is done. A tip: minimalistic design has been the trend in the more recent years. This is the sign you have been waiting to give away the couch left by your grandparents!

Basement Cleanout

Welcome to the basement! This is the place where everyone thinks that their unnecessary furniture magically disappears once it is stored here. Filling up your basement with items you will never touch again and seeing it as a “depot” is not the most optimal way of using up space. Instead of keeping old stuff inside, you can use it to show off your wine collection, create a playground for kids or build a home gym!

House cleanout

Apartment Cleanout

This service is similar to a house cleanout but usually, the customers struggle more with where to dispose of the excessive items. The reason for that is simply because most of the time, they do not have the extra storage space like a basement. Perhaps living in an apartment, you might have access to basement storage which is not always easy to access. Another downside of living in an apartment is that you just cannot collect all your “black gold” in your garden or garage, so when a cleanout is required, a lot of time and effort is needed as well.

Garage Cleanout

Just like the basement, garages usually are stuffed with random items that are dusty. Most customers keep their handyman tools in their garages; however, it usually ends up with rust or gets messy after a while. Moreover, it occupies space that could be proactively used for some other tasks or things.

The garage is also one of the favorite places to keep most of the unwanted things in the house. People tend not to get rid of them, instead of storing them in the garage, which is understandable. Some things might have a powerful emotion, might hold emotional value, or might simply be collected since we were younger. But we all know that time passes and so do the things we have as well, and sometimes we should just let it go.

Real Estate Cleanout

We also help housing agencies whenever a cleanout service is required for a home showcase or in more serious cases such as evictions. As a housing agency, we are aware that you want to make sure that your potential customers will see a property and will directly desire to have it, but that is not an easy task at all.

Walls have to look perfectly clean and neat; pictures would have to be perfectly aligned on the walls, floors have to look shiny and straight, and all the furniture has to be arranged in a physiological way within the entire house. A perfect fresh smell is desired by the time someone opens the front door, and sometimes they are also special requirements.

On the other hand, there comes the time when someone leaves a property, and it needs to be cleaned and rearranged just as it was at the time of purchase. That will require significant time and effort as well as experts in the field. We are aware that such processes are not the easiest to deal with, and sometimes support is required to lift some weight off their shoulders.

Why use cleanout services?

House Re-design

If you are bored of the way the interior of your home looks right now, then you can opt for a house re-design. You can also just be relating to the scenario we have described at the beginning and now have the motivation to purchase those items. Most of the time, during the planning, customers forget about the furniture they no longer use which defeats the purpose of decluttering.

This also applies to customers with a large scope planning of yearly cleaning/decluttering or simply to an event such as the mess created after the X-mas holidays. The junk that comes out after deep cleaning includes plastic wrappers, boxes laying around, or old/broken furniture.


Although we offer various services during your relocation, we also offer to get rid of all the items that you no longer want in your new house. This does not only apply to residential places but also commercial relocations, such as an office move. Just give us a call and the junk will be out in no time. What a way to start fresh!

Loss of a family member

We are aware that our customers are going through a rough time in this situation. We feel more than responsible to support and help remove the belongings which are of no longer use, except the sentimental items.

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