How to relax during your move

Discover our easy moving tips that will make your reallocation stress-free

We know and understand how stressful of a process moving or relocating is for our customers from experience. They might be constantly thinking if they have made the right choice of picking the movers, maybe having to say goodbye to their friends and family, or even leaving behind old habits in such a short period. All of these factors can be emotionally and physically frustrating during the process which is the last thing our customers need since they want to be focused on a smooth move instead. Check out these 6 tips to relax with the Easy Move after our genuine observations. And we promise you, these tips are valid during the most stressful moving experiences, including international moves.

Practice Yoga

Yes, we know that it sounds like a cliché, however, this is the simplest form of relaxation you can practice during your moving process while allowing us to take care of the hassle. We recommend, you tune out of the world for a while by either attending a local yoga class or a much smarter option, to download a couple of videos online, especially during the pandemic. If you feel like you have limited time throughout the day, you can incorporate it into your morning routine for a couple of minutes to start off your day stress-free. Trust us, those couple of minutes might create a carefree headspace for you to conquer the moving day.

Read a book

What else is a better way to relax than indulging in a good book which takes your mind off of the reality that you are in the moving process? For us, it is the most creative way of forgetting about everything for some time. Plus, it is one of the cheapest ways to escape reality, just like our cheap services make you feel. A book can also be the best buddy you can take on a road trip if the move is long-distance.

Catch up on your favorite series

“And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.” If you feel exactly like Michael Scott, we advise you to put on your favorite TV series to catch a break from the frustrations. It is the most entertaining way of letting go and allowing the easy movers to take over. We recommend sticking to sitcoms, however, to each their own if you prefer more serious atmospheres. Just put it on already!

Compile a to-do list

An organized life equals an organized mind. To help lift off some weight from your shoulders, you can prepare a to-do list for each day to have a clear overview of the things you need to get done. This will allow you to have control over your moving process and make sure that you are not forgetting anything. You can also keep track of the activities that you want to do one last time before moving away from your neighborhood like visiting your favorite ice cream shop or wishing a farewell to your local bakery. And do not worry, The Easy Move will make sure that your to-do list is short. 😉

Get moving

The benefits of physical activity are endless, both for a healthy mind and body. Doing an intense workout such as running, dancing, and jogging will help you release the moving stress while you are too busy trying to catch your breath. If you are not an intense workout type of person, then you can simply take a walk one last time across your local park where you used to feed the birds and reminisce the good memories you have had in the town. You might even pet a few dogs on the way, which always puts a smile on people’s faces. We suggest that you complete your workout routine in the morning since moving is so busy and, in that way, you take it out of the way. Also, keep in mind that exercising releases endorphins which might put you in a motivated mood to bear the intensity of the day.

Get a good night’s sleep

One thing stress and anxiety prevents is getting a good night’s sleep. You keep overthinking about the smoothness of the upcoming moving days, becoming aware that you will enter a new environment and meet new people, and maybe even say goodbye to your friends and family. All of these thoughts might keep you awake. We recommend that you stick to a strict sleeping schedule, stay away from the screen, and drink herbal tea right before hitting the bed. We guarantee that you will see an improvement in the way you fall asleep. A bonus tip: invest in a wake-up light to wake up more naturally in the wintertime when it is darker in the mornings.

Treat yourself

It is always a good idea to hit your favorite restaurant or café to check up on their special deals. Not only it will make you feel nostalgic and allow you to reminisce about the good times, but you will also be filled with all the positive feelings and a delicious meal. You can even turn this into an event in which you invite your friends and family to enjoy a fun dinner!

Ask for help

Our last tip is the simplest yet the most important. We want you to know that we are always here to help you, all you have to do is just ask. Apart from the normal moving process, we are also happy to be supportive in other matters to eliminate any hardships from your life as much as we can.

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