Cleaning – How it works during a move

Take a look at cleaning during a move from our perspective!

Often during a move, the last thing that is on the priority list of the people is the cleanliness of the houses they are moving out of and into. This scenario is very normal considering the number of other issues that trigger stress in customers which are more important to resolve first. The Easy Move feels for their customers, which is why we offer easy and cheap cleaning services for each move. In this blog, we have gathered the most important key points of deep cleaning a house, which will also allow you to get a closer look into our international cleaning services. We have a lot of houses to clean, so let us get going!

Where to begin?

We know that the idea of housekeeping seems like such a hassle, however, it is important to tick it off of your list before the moving process begins. Another plus of leaving behind a clean house is ensuring that you get your deposit back! The first step to be taken is to create two cleaning checklists. Making a checklist will allow you to organize your thoughts and avoid any further forgetful situations. One of the checklists can be for the house you are emptying and one for your new place. In this way, you also make sure that you do not have to deal with germs and dust once the boxes are carried into your new home. Who wants to move into a dusty house anyway?

The essentials

For a smooth house cleaning process, you must have the right supplies. Some of the essential cleaning supplies include white vinegar, various brushes, disinfecting cleaners, cleaning, rubber gloves, dusting cloths, and finally mopping tools. However, you can still feel confused about how to proceed even if you have all these supplies. Before any deep cleaning starts, we advise you to check the walls or fixings if you can find any loose nails or screws which might cause issues or even injuries in the future. Make sure to take a second look at the light switches and sockets if they are fully functioning to avoid any extra costs. It is also a kind gesture to the subsequent tenants.

Cleaning Tips

It is simpler to divide the items on your checklist room by room. In this way, you can ensure that you do not skip over any cleaning task. We have pieced together the best tips to clean each room in the house. A general tip that is important for every room is to start dusting from top to bottom. Usually, the dust particles accumulate on top of the shelves and cabinets which are harder to reach. A safety hazard we would also like to mention is to always wear gloves while handling bleach and rinse it off with a large amount of water if it gets in contact with your skin. The tips we give can be applied both to the former and the new house. Now that we have our mops on our hands, let’s get to cleaning!


Begin by removing all the drawers from their places and swipe inside them with mild soap and washing cloth. After the insides dry up, make sure to replace the liners. Since the upper cabinets are empty, it is now easy to dust and shine the interiors. By using soapy water and a sponge scrub the countertops and make sure that all the spots have vanished from the stovetop. Use a grease remover if the spots persist. After ensuring that the dust and dirt are removed from the top, you can proceed to the bottom. Use baking soda and water to sponge off the dishwasher to remove the stains. If there are any other kitchen appliances, like a microwave, make sure to remove any food marks and grease as well. It is worth mentioning to clean the interior of your fridge with a bar of mild soap and a damp cloth after taking out the shelves. Finish off the cleaning by mopping the floor, and if needed, add bleach into the bucket to disinfect it from bacteria and remember our safety warning while handling bleach.


The three distinct areas to pay attention to in the bathrooms are the tiles, shower, and toilet. Use a scrubber and bleach to scrub off the dirt from the tiles and dilute it with water. Use the appropriate cleanser and a washcloth to scrub the soap scums from the showerhead, rinse it with bleach and water. Rub off any soap marks that are left behind on the surface of the faucets and the handles of your sink and use a toothbrush to reach the areas you cannot normally reach to maximize the cleanse. If the soap scums are persistent, you can use some lemon to dissolve it and then scrub it off. As well as giving it a nice shine, the bathroom will smell fresh as a new spring day! For the toilet, sanitize the water tank, cleanse the toilet seat and bowl, and make sure to wipe off any dust from the roll holder. If you want to give a pristine shininess to the metal surfaces in the bathroom, use a glass cleaner with a wipe. Do not forget to dust off the interiors of the shelves or cabinets, if possible. As a final touch-up, first vacuum and then mop the bathroom floors.

Living rooms and Countertops

Cleaning a room can be difficult since it usually is the most spacious part of the house. But do not worry, you need fewer supplies once you get inside the rooms. Make sure to concentrate on the corners of the rooms in dusting as dirt accumulates there more often. Dust off each corner neatly with a washing cloth. Check the walls for any smudges or marks and wipe them away with an appropriate stain remover if it is a persistent mark. Use a glass cleaner and a wipe to remove the spots on the windows or mirrors. Finish it up by vacuuming and then mopping the floor surface.

Final Tips

A final tip is especially for the new house you are moving in. Before the cleaning process, make sure to give attention to your carpets, if you own any. It will not be fun to clean your carpets once you settle down in your new home when all you want to do is relax.

You can use all the tips gathered above for both of the houses as we have mentioned earlier, maybe with a difference in the intensity depending on the place. However, to prevent you from overcleaning, we offer pristine and budget-friendly cleaning services for our customers. We know that cleaning a whole house by yourself is a lot of work that is added on top of your shoulders, so let us lift it off!

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